Second Degree Program |
Second Degree Wicca Program - £50 You must be a First Degree before you can take this program, please supply proof of your First Degree status. Five Courses 1 Wicca 201 lessons and course final 2 Spells for the Second Degree lesson and course final 3 Ritual in Theory and Practice lesson and course final 4 Regalia/State Robes lesson and course final 5 Comparative Religions lessons and course final
For initiation and completion of the program the Final Exam and project must be completed
If you have started your Second Degree elsewhere please supply a copy of your transcript when you apply |
Individual Second Degree Courses Each course can be taken individually if you only want to take a course for information. |
If you are halfway through any courses above from elsewhere please contact Lady Anna so we can proceed to help you complete your courses Help and information Lady Anna |
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